Character Education at Hexham First School

Character education is an umbrella term for all explicit and implicit educational activities that help young people develop positive personal traits called values.

Why Character Education?

It empowers children to make the right choices at the right time and for the right reason -  citizens of the future able to embrace and operate in a multicultural society. The building blocks of character development are divided into intellectual, moral,civic and performance values.

From: Birmingham University, Jubillee Centre 

Character is  Caught

There is no blueprint or magic formula for delivering character education. Character ‘caught’ is the implicit side of character education. It is displayed in the school’s ethos and culture ( Our Hexham Way, British values, No Outsiders Programme, Forest School and Commando Joes) which all staff  are expected to embrace. It can be seen throughout the curriculum, in all subjects and is often visible outside the curriculum e.g. assembly, volunteering, playtime, clubs.

Character is  Taught

To develop knowledge and understanding we need a deliberate curriculum that supports and is supported by caught character education. This helps pupils to understand values, what they mean and what they ‘look like’ in real life. ‘Taught’ character education is planned for and deliberate. Teachers and staff are conscious of how what they teach contributes to character development. This can be inside and outside of the classroom. Our Commando Joe’s framework, PSHE programme and assemblies s and No Outsiders program are examples of how character is taught. and in lessons for example Character Education through Stories.

Character is Sought 

School provides varied opportunities for pupils to actively develop their character and values. An example of this is through leadership roles such as play leaders, School Council, Eco Council, library legends. Environmental awareness such as litter picks in the local areas, inter generational projects such as singing to elderly residents in care homes, opportunities to perform in public such as singing projects.

We are currently self evaluating our character curriculum against the following criteria 

Character Caught