Special Educational Needs & Equality

Special Educational Needs

Miss Elizabeth Barton is the SENCo at Hexham First School.

We currently have 82 pupils in our school from Nursery to Year 4. The proportion of pupils with SEND support (35%) is slightly above national average. The proportion of children with a statement / Education Health Care (EHC) plan is in line with the national average.

Our Special Educational Needs Policy sets out how the school will meet the needs of children experiencing difficulties, taking into account the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This can be found as a download on this page.

At Hexham First we aim for early identification of needs through continuous assessment of the basic skills. Parents are consulted when staff become aware of any problems, and are encouraged to work in partnership with school to provide the best possible support for the child. We work closely with a range of services to ensure we are assessing and addressing individual needs.

SEN Governors

Mrs Jade Wang is the SEND Link Governor.

Mrs Jade Wang and Miss Barton(SENCo) meet on a Termly Basis to discuss SEND provision at Hexham First .

Please make a request via the school office if you would like to see a summary of our SEND Governor / SENCo Termly Meetings.

Hexham First School must publish information regarding the provision that they provide to children attending the school. The SEND Information Report was devised in consultation with staff and Governors. Pupil voice and Parental views are paramount to developing inclusive practice, and were considered when creating the offer.

Northumberland County Council also publish a Local Offer that parents, carers and families can access to find information on the range of services and support available in the Northumberland area. Please click on the link below which will redirect you to the Family Services Directory and Local Offer website.

The SEND information, advice and support service also offer impartial information, advice and support to families of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities. This service is free and confidential. If you would like to find out more please click on the link below which will redirect you.

Medical Needs

We have experience of supporting children with a range of medical needs.
Children with specific medical needs have a care plan in place, where appropriate.
Training is provided to staff in order to meet the individual medical needs of each child.

This may involve training from medical staff to support us in meeting individual needs.

Copies of Documents

Please contact the school office if you require paper copies of these documents or if you would like a large print copy of any of our documents.

Complaints Procedure for parents of children with SEN 
At Hexham First School we strive to work closely with parents/carers when supporting their child with SEN, and therefore welcome any concerns regarding the SEND policy or provision made to be discussed as soon as possible. In the first instance, please speak with the pupil’s class teacher or SENCO.
After that, if parents/carers still feel their child’s needs aren’t being met, a discussion with Head teacher would be appropriate.
If it was still felt that the complaint had not been addressed, it would then be appropriate to approach the Governing body.
Further guidance and support can be obtained from the Northumberland Information, Advice and Support Service

Parent Information
Please see the links below for information on how to support your child at home and links to local services.