Dear KS2 Parents and Carers

Welcome to Key Stage 2. Due to being a mixed age class of Year 3 and Year 4 children, KS2 have a two year rolling programme which ensures all children access all of the curriculum over a two year period.  



All children in KS2 read every day. It is expected that children reads 20-35 minutes a day and that you read to them when you can. This is the responsibility of each pupils’ parent and a vital part of the home-school partnership. Please keep reading books and records in the Blue Book Bags and support your child by:

i) helping them to decode tricky words in their reading book,

ii) asking them questions about the text to check their understanding,

iv) exposing them to higher level texts which they cannot yet access independently, by reading to them regularly, or taking them to the library to choose their own books.


Each week we send your child home with an Accelerated Reading book for your child to read. It is expected that your child reads 20-35 minutes a day. This is the responsibility of each pupils’ parent and a vital part of your child's education. The title of the book should be written in and a short comment if you can. When they have completed their reading book they will take a short quiz online which will inform us to whether they are reading the correct reading level.

It is very important that the reading book remains in your child’s blue bag and that your child brings their bag every day, this ensures that your child can read their reading book at school on any day and access the AR Quiz.


Children are encouraged to choose a library book when we visit the library. Please make sure that your child’s Library book is in their Blue Bag. We are lucky to have such lovely books and we hope that you and your child enjoy reading them together. If you would like additional library books, just pop in at the end of the day and I will help scan one out for you.


A spelling overview with 6 weeks’ worth of spellings will be sent out every half term and put in their homework folder. Please remove the overview from the folder and keep at home. Each weeks spellings will be practiced and checked in an informal ‘quiz’ towards the end of the following week. Please help your child to learn these words in a fun and stress-free way.


In KS2 we build on the handwriting skills developed in KS1 and focus on letter formation and joins. There is an expectation that letters should be joined and neat. 


Maths homework will be put in the homework folder and sent home on a Friday. Please return the folder and completed homework by the following Thursday, so that new homework can be put in. If the folder isn’t returned, then the homework will be sent on a loose sheet.


PE lessons happen every week. Our days are Monday and on a Wednesday afternoon we will either be doing Forest School or PE or Commando Joes. We will let you know which one we are doing so that we have the right things in school.


If there are any questions about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to ask,

Thank you


Mrs Beveridge