P.E. Allocation

We have successfully achieved Silver in our Youth Sports Trust Quality Mark!
PE and Sports Premium Funding Vision
We pride ourselves, at Hexham First School, in providing opportunities and motivation for all children to lead a healthy and active life. We have always provided active and enjoyable physical education for all our pupils, however the additional funding has enabled us to enhance our offer to ensure that all children benefit from outstanding P.E. teaching. At Hexham First we hope that our children will gain in confidence and begin to recognise the benefits of being healthy and active.
What is PE and Sport Premium
PE and Sport Premium funding is provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and is allocated to the school head teacher. The funding is restricted and therefore can only be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools. The purpose of the funding is to ensure schools spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they have the freedom to choose how they do this. The expectation is that pupils leaving school will be physically literate and will hold knowledge, skills and motivation to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and a natural love for sport.
‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of P.E. and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this’ (DFE June 2013)
For the academic year 2019-20, Hexham First School will receive £16,865. This is allocated in two slots in the financial year.
In our school
At Hexham First School we provide a high-quality physical education programme to develop the competence to succeed in gymnastics, dance, games, athletics, football, tennis and swimming. We are part of Tynedale Schools Sport Partnership (TSSP). One PE lesson a week is delivered by our highly skilled PE teacher, Mr A. Brown who has over twenty years of PE teaching experience and class teachers deliver another PE lesson.
Staff observe and have opportunities to team teach with Mr Brown. This gives teachers high quality CPD and informs their future practise. Activities are mapped out for each year group to ensure a breadth of opportunity is available to each child.
Autumn Term
In Early years and Key Stage 1, lessons focus on firstly developing fundamental movement skills; ensuring children are increasingly confident and competent to extend their agility, balance and coordination. We also actively promote competitive and co-operative physical activities. As each child progresses through school, they are encouraged to develop these skills and use them in different ways.
In autumn term, along side our PE lessons we offer yoga across the school, from Nursery to Year 4. We have been lucky enough to work with Debbie our very experienced yoga teacher for many years now. We see real benefits of yoga lessons and the children and teachers just love it! The children thoroughly enjoy it and get a lot from each session. We find it very relaxing and helps calm the children during thier busy school week.
We also offer Little Movers to our nursery, reception and year 1 children in Autumn 2. Little movers helps develop children's spatial awareness and their sense of self, whilst developing listening skills. 
In KS2, classes focus on developing their skills in multi skills, team games, athletics, football, gymnastics, swimming and tennis. We have seen the benefits of the early input of fundamental skills in Early years and reception, as the children move through school with improved agility and coordination when applying their skills in games.
Year 4 will enjoy bulding their confidence in swimming all year. They really missed their swimming lessons during lock down and can't wait to get back into the pool! 
Competition has a strong focus in our school and we strive to enter competitions offered by the Local Authority, TSSP (Tynedale School Sports Partnership) and School Games. Our children are very proud to represent our school at competitions and have worked hard to be the best they can be.
After School Clubs
 Autumn 1- KS2- football
Autumn 2- KS1- multi skills
We run alternate key stage extra-curricular activities after school. Every half term we offer each key stage a different after school sport club, run by Mr Brown. Other sports clubs are run by teaching staff throughout the year. We offer a variety of clubs to appeal to all interests and abilities. We ensure all children are offered the opportunity to attend extra-curricular sporting activities to increase their levels of physical activity.
We work closely with local sport specialists. We have developed close links with Hoopstarz and Little Movers. We hold special dance days and yoga sessions across school to ensure children access a range of physical activities to help them develop new skills.
Year 4 Residential Trip
We offer an exciting residential trip to Robinwood which is located in the Cumbrian hills near Alston. Our children know that this is a very special opportunity where they stay away for two nights and three days. They take part in fantastic team building, orienteering and confidence boosting activities, all served in the beautiful Cumbrian hills. They grow and develop as individuals and find talents within themselves they never knew they had. In the word of our previous Robin-wooders “It was epic! I loved the giant swing and faced my fears.”
Swimming All schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2. In particular, pupils should be taught to:
• swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
• use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
• perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
At Hexham First School we currently offer swimming lessons for all children in Year 3 and 4 during the spring and summer terms. As many of our children do not have access to out of school swimming lessons, using our PE premium, we provide a swimming booster for children in year 3 and 4 during autumn term. The swimming booster has proved very successful, seeing much more confident children and able swimmers in KS2. Children are taught by qualified swimming instructors who follow guidelines set out by the Local Authority.
How we can measure the impact of PE and Sport Premium Funding?
There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement:
• the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
• the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
• increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
• broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
• increased participation in competitive sport
We have worked hard to increase the range of sports and physical education offered at Hexham First School. We offer: yoga, cricket, tennis, games, dance, gymnastics, athletics, swimming, tag rugby, football and little movers (EYFS). 
Children are enthusiastic and keen to participate in PE and are aware of the health benefits they gain from being active. The children understand the reasons behind making healthy choices and how they benefit from this. 
Active time
Every child is active during morning and afternoon break. This has improved drastically by introducing playtime equipment which engages the less active/enthusiastic children. They love to skip, hop, jump, hula, catch, throw and run. We have noticed an improvement in behaviour across the school as children are more engaged in their play. 
Staff CPD
Staff are fully committed to enhancing their expertise and skill set. They observe PE lessons and have opportunity to team teach with our PE Specialist. Mr Brown has a wealth of knowledge for teachers to quiz and he shares his excellent resources and ideas. We use a staff audit to acknowledge staff areas for development. 
We work together to identify areas for development and run CPD.
Children love to represent their school at competitions and are becoming more confident at this. They take part in all the TSSP festivals and as many competitions as we can. We have done very well in the gymnastics competition the last few years and can see how the children are investing more time and commitment to their routines. They feel a real sense of pride representing their school and doing their best. We are equally very proud!
PE Spending for Covid 19
We have invested our carried over amount from the PE funding from last year, in some lovely new coloured coded PE equipment for break times. We have bought some lovely equipment to help keep our children active and motivated during break times. These are colour coded to ensure each set is kept to a class bubble. This helps keep our young people happy and active. Children are thoroughly enjoying the new equipment are taking great care of it. We even have some hula hoop challenges!
Daily Mile
We encourage our children during afternoon break to complete as many laps as possible to achieve their daily mile. This is all part of their additional 30 minutes of daily activity. children count their laps as they go and feel very proud when they achieve their mile!