About us

PTA stands for Parents and Teachers Association. We are a registered charity (number 1011598). Any parent or carer is automatically a member and welcome to help in any way they can. At Hexham First we have an active and welcoming PTA that organise a variety of fundraising events throughout the year such as School Fairs, magnificent Christmas Hampers, Christmas gift stalls, Bingo nights, discos, coffee mornings and cake stalls.  Parents are always needed to help at school events or to make posters, wrap tombola prizes, bake cakes, fold raffle tickets…there really is a job for everyone, no matter how much or little time you can spare!!

Over the last few years, the PTA have raised money to:


  • Develop the Early Years outdoor environment 
  • Purchase laptops essential for supporting home learning during school closures
  • Buy lots and lots of books for our children  to use in their classes for guided and whole class reading, as well as to buy more library books for our children to enjoy
  • Funded the cost of transport for class trips
  • Book bags for new starters
  • Christmas crackers
  • Funding for the Year 4 Leavers Hoodies
The PTA relies on the voluntary support of parents and carers to run school discos, fairs, film nights, School fairs and other enjoyable events. Whilst we all know how difficult it is to give large chunks of time on a regular basis when you have children and work commitments, many members of our school community do find time to get involved and we appreciate all they do.

All parents and carers are more than welcome to join the PTA, the more the merrier! We are really keen for more members so please do get in touch with Mrs Campbell or Mrs Overton at school.

'Joining the Hexham First School PTA is a a fantastic way to socialise and the team really  enjoy coordinating the social events for both children and families, whilst also inevitably raising fantastic amounts of money for our lovely school.

I would strongly encourage anyone who is interested in volunteering for the Hexham First School PTA to get involved and become a member – it really is a fantastic way to get to know other parents , whilst really giving something back to our children. Everyone is welcome!'

Justine Overton- Head Teacher

Our latest fundraising initiatives 
Northumberland Lottery
We have recently just past our first anniversary of playing the Northumberland Lottery and we have managed to raise well over £400. This is an incredible amount for our school so thank you to all our supporters. Northumberland Lottery often have different prize draws running alongside the normal lottery draws, where you could win up to £25,000. There have been draws for things such as new phones, weekend away prizes and lots of other exciting offers from them. 
To start supporting us - just visit and search for Hexham First School.
Easyfundraising Account
If you do ANY shopping online using some of the biggest retailers ie Argos,, Tesco Sky M & S and lots more we can raise money for our PTA. Simply start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”. There's over 4,546 retailers to choose from and so far over £33 million has been raised for thousands of community groups, sports clubs, schools & PTA's and small & large charities across the UK!!

Please visit the link below to get started.... and don't forget to refer your friends as well...
Clothes Bank
We have a Fundraise and Recycling clothes bank situated in our school grounds, by the main entrance from Beaufront Avenue. They accept donations of good quality unwanted clothing, shoes and textiles (all items must be bagged). All of the clothing is either re-sold, recycled or re-used helping to lessen the impact of waste on the environment.  The clothes bank is emptied regularly and our PTA receives a contribution based on the weight of the items. Since the clothes bank was installed in December 2021, contributions of over £340 have been received.