

Michael Reeves, lead inspector and  Deborah Ashcroft Ofsted Inspector visited Hexham First School on 28th April 2022. They judged the school as “good”.

The inspectors stated  that “Pupils like coming to this school. They are happy in lessons and enjoy learning. Playtimes and lunchtimes are friendly and sociable. Pupils can choose from a wide range of active or quiet activities. Pupils feel safe because they know that the staff care about their welfare.
Leaders are constantly developing the curriculum to make it more relevant and interesting for pupils. This widens pupils’ horizons and experiences. Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. The school has a clear behaviour approach. The school provides a wide range of sporting and cultural activities to widen pupils’ horizons.
Opportunities for community involvement develop pupils’ sense of citizenship. Pupils have important roles and responsibilities in school. Examples of these roles include reading ninjas and sports leaders. Pupils contribute to the leadership of the school by participating in the school council and the eco council. Staff plan carefully to meet the academic and personal development needs of all pupils. This is an inclusive school where there is high ambition for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. As a result, these pupils achieve well.

You can read the full inspection report by clicking on the link below.