
We encourage parents to share in their children's learning through the work they bring home. The work will consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in literacy and numeracy. Al children will bring home reading books. Other activities will include learning spellings and number facts. Participation in board games will help to develop mathematical skills in a fun and relaxed way as the children play games at home and share in their experiences with the whole family. Therefore we would encourage you to play games such as snakes and ladders, dotty dinosaurs and dominoes at home with your child.

Each term parents will have access to the topic overview, this will outline the work covered in school. Each week a piece of related literacy or numeracy homework is provided and you are asked to help your child with this.

Sometimes we ask children to carry out a piece of research connected to a current topic. Younger children are given games to play or writing activities to practice.

Your child will need a bag to carry books to and from school. These are available from school.

The school is grateful for the support parents give in ensuring that homework is completed and returned on time.

Parents can contact the class teacher if they have any questions about any homework set.

The school policy on homework complies with Government recommendations and guidance.