
2020 - 2025
Characteristic: We have very few racist incidents reported in school.

Objective: Make sure staff are familiar with the revised racist incident report form and the four types of incident described.

Characteristic: Principles of equality underpin all our key decisions and plans. We need to make this transparent and visible.

Objective: We undertake equality analysis on any new or proposed policy, funding or initiative, and at least annually we analyse the equality impact of our development plan.

Characteristic: We take interventions for all individual needs seriously and evidence shows that pupils make outstanding progress. However, this progress must be maintained when the interventions end.

Objective: To closely monitor children who have completed interventions in order to ensure that continuous progress is maintained.

Characteristic: We have families with many differing domestic circumstances.

Objective: To closely monitor and ensure that all families are treated with equal and utmost respect at all times.