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 Welcome to Year 2 - Autumn Term 2024

We have an exciting year planned for the children in Year 2 and we begin with the geography topic called ‘Our school in nine photographs’ The children will develop their geographical understanding and use of geographical vocabulary by using aerial photographs and Google Earth to learn that their school is situated in the town of Hexham within the county of Northumberland. They will be noting important features in their immediate area including the River Tyne, Hexham Hospital and Egger. They will then contrast their immediate area with a school in a different area of England.

After half term we move onto the history topic ‘Transport’ finding out how transport changed throughout the ages. We will be learning about significant first such as the first train and aeroplane.

Our English lessons focus on stories with familiar settings and we will begin to use the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach. The children will become familiar with stories by retelling them and using features to create their own stories. Texts used will include 'The Bear and the Piano' and 'The Day the Crayons Quit'

Daily RWI phonics sessions will continue where the children work in small groups. It is within these sessions that the children are heard read daily, learning new vocabulary, decoding words, recognising ‘red’ words on sight and developing fluency. The children will bring home a book weekly and I would encourage you to hear your child read at least three times weekly.

We are using a mastery approach to maths teaching, so there will be lots of opportunities to use practical resources. Children will continue to use Numicon and will begin to use Base Ten equipment, Place-Value grids and Part-Whole models to ensure they have a thorough understanding of mathematical concepts. We will be counting daily in tens in preparation for a quick recall of the 10x table.

Our science lessons allow the children to investigate and carry out simple experiments. In our first topic we will be finding out about habitats in our school grounds. Daffodil bulbs will be planted in Autumn to flower in Spring. After half term our topic is ‘Materials’ where children will be learning about the properties of different materials and why some materials are chosen for certain objects and why some are unsuitable for example a paper spoon. 

In the Autumn Term the children have two weekly PE lessons. PE kits will remain in school and will be sent home at October half term.

On Tuesday morning I have PPA time and Miss Ackland will teach the class. Once a week the children visit our new school library.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions or queries about ways to support your child.

 Miss B. Noon (Teacher)

Mrs K Keith (Learning Support Assistant)