Class page
Welcome to Hexham First School Early Years Unit!
In Nursery and Reception we have fun exploring, investigating and learning new skills through a variety of play activities. Our broad and balanced curriculum provides opportunities for first hand experiences which enthuse, excite and inspire all children in all areas of learning. Activities are carefully planned in response to the children's own interests as we believe that this is the most effective way to stimulate and support children's own natural curiosity whilst developing key skills and knowledge. Each day we utilise our extensive outdoor provision as free flow learning, ensuring that the children have the opportunity to explore the natural environment.
In Nursery and Reception we have fun exploring, investigating and learning new skills through a variety of play activities. Our broad and balanced curriculum provides opportunities for first hand experiences which enthuse, excite and inspire all children in all areas of learning. Activities are carefully planned in response to the children's own interests as we believe that this is the most effective way to stimulate and support children's own natural curiosity whilst developing key skills and knowledge. Each day we utilise our extensive outdoor provision as free flow learning, ensuring that the children have the opportunity to explore the natural environment.
Please see the termly learning overviews for Nursery and Reception for more details of our planned learning. If you would like to find out more about how we plan for your child’s learning please do not hesitate to chat to a member of Early Years staff.
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo to share learning and news about the whole class. The class page has very regular photos, news and celebrations that we enjoy sharing with families. We use the portfolio section of Class Dojo to send you individual 'Wow' moments and photos regarding your child's learning . The children love sharing news from home and you can use the portfolio section on Class Dojo to send photos and news from home that children can share with their class.
Clothing/P.E. kit
Learning in the Early Years Unit takes place both indoors and outside. Whilst we have lots of spare clothes it is helpful if your child comes to school appropriately dressed for the weather – raincoats, wellies, sunhats and suncream might all be necessary this term!
Reception Class have P.E. with their class teacher and some specialists throughout the term. This term the children will be taking part in Commando Jo lessons along side lots of outdoor obstacles, bike and trike time. We ask that all Reception children have their PE kit in school ready for their PE lessons. We will send them home at the end of each half term to be washed. PE will take place both inside and outdoors so please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear (trainers or plimsols), shorts/jogging bottoms and a warm top.
Reception Class have P.E. with their class teacher and some specialists throughout the term. This term the children will be taking part in Commando Jo lessons along side lots of outdoor obstacles, bike and trike time. We ask that all Reception children have their PE kit in school ready for their PE lessons. We will send them home at the end of each half term to be washed. PE will take place both inside and outdoors so please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear (trainers or plimsols), shorts/jogging bottoms and a warm top.
Early Reading
'Never Say No to a story'
Reading is at the very heart of everything we do in the Early Years Unit. Staff in the Early Years Unit all share a passion for children's literature and pride themselves on their ability to bring a book to life! Every child in Nursery and Reception shares a range of high quality picture books through several planned story sessions each day. Our staff are also always available to share books with individual children. Our mantra is 'Never say no to a story' - and we mean it! Children are also introduced to a wide variety of Nursery rhymes, poems and songs. Please support your child by continuing to share books with them – nothing beats a bedtime story!
Reception will start with non- word books to bring home and make their own story up to match the pictures they see on each page. Then as the children progress through phonics they will start to take blending books home. These are short books with three letter words in to sound out and they can check they are right by turning the page to see the picture. Then they will start a reading book. Children will read in school but we really urge parents to read with or to, as frequently as possible, with their child. This will boost their confidence and really help them become fluent readers.
Children in Nursery begin to develop their phonological awareness and oral blending and segmenting skills through a playful and multisensory approach using songs, actions and games. When appropriate, the children will start to become familiar with some grapheme-phoneme correspondences through contextually appropriate text such as names and signs.
Children in Reception continue to develop their phonological understanding through daily discrete Phonics sessions. At Hexham First we follow the Read Write Inc scheme. Lots of information about how we teach Phonics can be found in the curriculum section of the website. Please don't hesitate to speak to staff if you require further information.
Parent Consultations
We have parents evening at Hexham First School twice a year. Nursery and Reception children are very much a part of this. It's a great opportunity to talk to the Early Years team about your child's development and share information between home and school. Each child will have two consultations over the year. Of course if there is anything you would like to discuss anything regarding your child then as always Early Years adults are always available before and after school and we will also respond to emails or Class Dojo portfolio messages. (Please note that email and Class Dojo correspondence will be responded to during school hours)
Any questions please ask a member of the team.
Forest School
We are lucky enough to have our very own Early Years Forest School area in which the children love to explore and learn. We have a forest school focussed activity afternoon on Monday's where we get suited and booted and ready to get stuck in and learn from what the outdoors has to offer. This is one of favourite times of the week where we learn about creatures, plants, and lots of skills from Miss Ackland our forest school leader. The children have a music area, a slate writing area, plants, mud kitchen and the best grassy bank to roll, tumble and climb.
We also have rope balance area where the children can work on their gross motor skills and balance on the rope line or pull themselves up the bank on the rope tree pull.
We advise a waterproof suit or coat and trousers and wellies to allow them to get fully involved and protect their school uniform.